Could Jack have chosen a more pretty lookin' wife? I got ALL of Ana's (zoe's) pictures from
"" NO CREDIT GOES TO ME! (begins to sob)
SHE'S SO FLIPPIN' BEAUTIFUL! I must say that Cap'n Sparrow has SUPERIOR taste in women.
Click here to see a slideshow of Anamaria (Zoe)
Click here to see casual Ana (Zoe) smiling.
Click here to see her relaxin' on the couch
This Will/Ana (zoe/orlando) pic makes up for the sad time I had getting over that Jack/Elizabeth (johnny/keira) scene in POTC
2. It's from "Haven"
Click here to see Zoe on the red carpet! (I think)
I'M gonna say that she's waiting for Jack to come home from work. Hehe!
Fabulously done, Mrs. Sparrow, FABULOUSLY DONE!
Click here if you wanna see where Havia got her good looks from!
Click here to see JUST how glamerous the lovely Mrs. Sparrow is up close!
Could Ana have chosen a more ravishing lookin' husband? Sadly, I got all of these Jack (Johnny) pics
from "" and "" So technically, they aren't mine. (begins to sob)
Click here to see Jack (johnny) WORK! IT! OUT!
You know that pic I had of Ana waiting for Jack to get home? Well, HE'S HOME NOW! Click here to see.
Click here to see...JUST CLICK!
I did a good job on their kids. JJ looks almost EXACTLY like my opinion. Click here to judge for yourself!
Click here to see Jack (Johnny) tuning his guitar to get ready to play Ana a song! Sorry, I just like how that fits.
Muy fabuloso!
He's plain, but pleasant. Or is it presentable? Oh well, just click here for the picture.
Click here and go down the bottom of the page to see Jack (or if you wanna call him Johnny) at the Teen's Choice Awards. I
wish I coulda been there!
Go down to the bottom of the page and tell me: Don't they look like they just jumped out of my story, "College and Pirates
Just Don't Mix"? Orlando looks like...Will, and Johnny looks like...Jack. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Click here to see my last Jack (Johnny) pic! I'll put up more of his and Ana's some other time though.