This is my Jack/Anamaria page. STRICTLY Jack/Ana content here. What stuff, you ask? Just look for
yourself, luvs!!
"Jack, I don't belong here...on this ship."
"What? Why not, love?"
"Because I'm a woman, and women are bad luck aboard a ship. Plus, the Pearl is fierce, beautiful,
graceful, and no one can beat her. She doesn't deserve to have a disgrace like me sailing on her. On top of
all that, she's beginning to drain you, and change the man that me and the boys use to know and love. You said no one
can ever hold your heart like Pearl can."
"Very true, love. 'Tis bad luck to have a woman aboard a ship. And, yes, the Black Pearl is
indeed fierce, beautiful, graceful, and no one could EVER beat her. But, if you found all those things so great about you,
then why leave?"
"What are you talking about, Sparrow? I'm talking about the blasted ship!"
"I know you were, but I'm not."
"What are you getting at?"
"Ana, you are by black pearl."